Positive Behavior Support in Schools (PBSIS)
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Clifton Public Schools Positive Behavior Support in Schools (PBSIS)
Clifton School District proudly employs a Positive Behavior Support in Schools (PBSIS) behavior system. PBSIS is a framework that focuses on enhancing the district’s overall school climate through a multi-tiered prevention and intervention approach.
Through the NJ PBSIS intervention model, schools have the opportunity to develop and integrate a system that promotes positive social behavior school-wide, apply function-based problem-solving to individual students, and engage our dedicated staff in data-based decision-making to guide intervention planning decisions.
Students are consistently recognized and rewarded for demonstrating our schoolwide expectations through a district-wide incentive system. Through our framework, Clifton strives to promote social and emotional wellness, while decreasing office conduct referrals and increasing positive interactions amongst our staff and students.