• Welcome to School 2 where students and staff “Keep Reaching and Rising”!

    School 2 strives to create positive learning environments that encourage and support pro-social student behavior at the school-wide, classroom, and individual student levels using current, research-validated practices in positive behavior support.

    PBSIS supports the inclusion of students with disabilities within general education programs by developing the school’s capacity to meet the needs of all learners.

  •  Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be Respectful 

  • Why do You Need a Hunt Team? The Answer May Surprise You! - Cybersecurity  Insiders


    Jennifer Lucas



    Lindsey Fairless

    Erin Tietjen 



     Tara Sieradzki, Jen Anzaldii,

    Mary Ellen Spada, Brianne Mees,

    Lisa Moreno, Lisa Hiner

  • 1270 Van Houten Ave
    Clifton, New Jersey 07013