
    School Four continues to strive for academic excellence, in an atmosphere filled with warmth & enthusiasm. Our staff is dedicated to generating a passion for learning & exploration through an intellectually active learning environment designed to promote student choice & hands-on activities. Fostering a community characterized by Responsible, Organized, Achieved Goals, & Respectful are our expectations as evidenced by our R.O.A.R's framework.
    School Four takes pride in an enthusiastic and dedicated staff, committed to delivering quality education to all of our students. Here at School Four, you will find an inviting and positive atmosphere with classrooms filled with motivated learners, hallways lined with colorful examples of student work, and teachers ready to tackle any challenge. 


  • School 4 R.O.A.R.s
    Responsible, Organized, Achieve, Respectful 

  • team


    Dr. Ronnie Estrict



    Jennifer Fantry   

     Talise Gaynor  



    Corrine Miskowsky, Kristin Reale,

    Tina Robinson, Lisa Salvatoriello,

    Jacqueline Rivera, Dana DerSookias,
    Giovanal Chunga Bahamonde

  • 194 West Second St
    Clifton, New Jersey 07011