• Welcome to School Sixteen's PAWS page.
    Here we will share upcoming events and activities that help involve parents and the greater Clifton community.
    Our students follow the motto to always "Show Your PAWS" and follow our school-wide expectations. Our expectations are: Practice Safety, Accept Responsibility, Welcome Kindness, and Show Respect!
    Are you part of the PACK?

  • P.A.W.S
    (Practice Safety, Accept Responsibility, Welcome Kindness, Show Respect)

  • There's an “I” In the Word TEAM


    Joanna Juarbe 



    Kelly McCarthy

    Amanda Marakovitz



    Michael Horton, Ami Nazario, 

    Natalie King, Lauren Lawson, 

    Caitlin LaBerbera, Kera Ann Nicholson, 

    Doreen Weisel, Eileen Parker, 

    Judy Graham, Katie Garbarino,

  • 755 Grove St
    Clifton, New Jersey 07013