School Safety
Please Note: Information on this page is subject to change!!!
Safety is the number one priority in the Clifton Public School District.
School Emergencies
Emergency Operations PlanClifton Public Schools has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan that addresses school crisis situations.
Clifton Public Schools' administrators and staff have been trained and drilled in each type of emergency situation – with and without students present. The district has a strong relationship with all local municipalities to ensure our Emergency Operations Plan is up-to-date and thorough. The plan is updated annually to allow the best outcome in the event of a crisis, with guidance and oversight by the police departments that serve our district.
To maintain the district’s focus on student and staff safety, specific details found within the Emergency Operations Plan are not shared with the public.Communication During a School Emergency
Parents will be notified during a school crisis or shortly thereafter, depending on how long the event lasts. It is critically important that parents follow the district’s protocol in the event of an emergency. The school will not answer their phone during an emergency. Parents and visitors will not be allowed on campus or into school buildings until it has been deemed safe.
Parents will also receive a phone, email and/or text message with details about the event. It is important to keep your contact information updated at your child’s school. You can always check social media, but remember that official district communication will always be shared directly on our website.
Depending on the type of crisis, students may be asked to text their parents and let them know that they are safe. In some crisis situations, students will not be allowed to use their phones. In these situations, we know you have questions - information will be shared as it becomes available to us as quickly as possible.Fire and Security Drills in Schools
Each school is compliant with the NJ School Drill Law (N.J.S. 18A:41-11), which requires both a fire drill and a security drill each month. At the completion of all security drills, communication is sent to parents.
If you approach your child's school and see the blue strobe lights flashing, please know there is a drill or event taking place. We thank you for your patience during this time, phone calls and entrance buzzers will not be answered.School Resource Officers
The Clifton Public School District has a long-standing relationship with the City of Clifton police department to ensure the safety procedures we have in place are met with their approval and expertise. We are also proud to partner with the police department who provide School Resource Officers to our middle and high school campuses. SROs are sworn law enforcement officers responsible for safety and crime prevention in schools.These SROs establish relationships with staff and students which sometimes include mentoring and conducting presentations on youth-related issues.
School Security Specialists
The Clifton Public School District has a new initiative with 12 security specialists on staff in various locations. All are trained in emergency response and de-escalation techniques.
Cyber Vigilance
We greatly appreciate your involvement in your children's lives both in-person and virtually on sites such as: Snapchat, TikTok and Instagram. We request that you remain vigilant while supervising these channels to ensure interactions are conducive to a positive school climate while your child and their peers are on or off campus.
Traffic Safety
Please be cognizant of school zones and drive safely in and around our school grounds. Always utilize crosswalks and follow the directions of your crossing guard, where applicable.
Additional Resources
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1.
See Something, Say Something Portal
In order to maintain the safest learning environment, Clifton Public School District offers the See Something, Say Something platform, a portal for students, parents and community members to anonymously report threats or suspicious activity.
Providing a safe school environment is EVERYONE'S responsibility!
Director of District Safety and Security
Meaghan Zinola