Talented and Gifted (TAG) Overview
The Academic TAG Program encourages the development and expression of scholarly attitudes and work habits while creating a stimulating environment that nurtures high expectations for achievement. Aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, the program’s instruction and curriculum draws upon and extends Dr. Sandra Kaplan's philosophy of Scholarliness and curricular model of Depth and Complexity to increase rigor, complexity, and engagement while utilizing Dr. Arthur Costa's Habits of Mind to empower students to flourish as life-long learners and citizens of character in all walks & challenges of life—inside and outside of the classroom. The Paul-Elder Intellectual Traits help students develop as critical thinkers and internalize the responsibilities of being a scholar. Students who participate in the pull-out academic TAG Program study a differentiated curriculum to develop cognitive, creative, intuitive, and affective skills. The TAG curriculum challenges students to develop and apply their talents through a variety of integrated, multidisciplinary learning activities and projects.
This curriculum serves to integrate Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math through a rigorous, relevant, and enriched extension of the core curriculum. Interdisciplinary and exploratory units of study, along with thinking skills activities and active learning experiences are combined to foster growth and development. While gifted children are on a fast track to mastery, that journey will likely require considerable advice, instruction, and encouragement from parents and teachers. Gifted children have much to learn in
order to maximize the development of their potential. As the TAG Program seeks to recognize and develop talents in advanced-level learners, emphasis on a positive self-concept, relationships with others, and critical thinking skills enable students to become independent thinkers and self-directed learners.
Interim Gifted Services Coordinator
Janina Kusielewicz - Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction
973-470-2267Academic TAG Program Teacher, K-5 Gifted Resource Teacher
Dawn Ward