School Nine Logo
  • School Nine is located in the Allwood section of Clifton at 25 Brighton Road. Since opening its doors in 1922, School Nine has serviced the needs of all different types of learners. The school houses approximately 325 students ranging from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade. The Extensions Before-Care Program runs from 7:05 am to 8:05 am followed by the Breakfast Program from 8:05 am to 8:35 am. Deeply rooted in academic excellence, School Nine is a place where all students can shine. Our staff works tirelessly to create an environment where every child feels safe, confident and free to take educational risks. A student-centered, authentic learning approach is utilized to guarantee each student is functioning at their highest level of intellectual ability.

    In the fall, we will begin implementing the “Positive Behavior Support in Schools” (PBSIS) platform. This unique school-wide character education program enhances the student experience by promoting good citizenship and kindness to others while extending learning beyond the classroom walls. Students will be encouraged to make good choices while finding solutions to problems.

    As educators, we embrace the opportunity to teach, nurture and inspire every child that walks through the door. Our strong team of dedicated teachers and professionals will ensure that all students are prepared to become the next problem-solvers and leaders in this ever-changing world. The students and staff are proud to be Confident, Brave and Determined Bulldogs!


  • School Nine Main Office

    25 Brighton Road
    Clifton, New Jersey 07012

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