Health & Physical Education Department Overview
Introduction to Health and Physical Education
The Family Life/Health Education course for students of Clifton is based on developmentally sound research and accepted topical areas of concern. These concepts prepare students for leading healthy lifestyles. Core topics include the following: understanding social-emotional health and physical wellness, building positive relationships, safety and environment, sexuality, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and life management skills taught at home and in school.
Physical Education provides a necessary component by providing the student with a core of values, attitudes, and beliefs that will awaken and inspire a desire to continue the pursuit of healthy physical conditioning. Physical activity is essential for physical skill development, social-emotional skill development, physical fitness development, and health-related benefits. A well-developed program can improve a student's quality of life and have a positive impact on their way of living.
Qualified teachers equipped to appropriately cover all subject content administer the Health and Physical Education Program. The success of the program is, in part, attributed to the health educators who participate in continuing education by attending professional development courses on relevant topics. The curriculum content will be followed as stated: The staff will be alert to emerging trends, develop new media and materials, and follow any modifications necessary for future consideration.
The role of the parent/guardian will continue to be an integral factor in this all-important educational area. The school program is supplementary to the education provided first and foremost by the parent/guardian and is designed to complement it.
Strive to Be an MVP Program
Our Physical Education Department has made some positive changes, collaborating with students, district and building administration to increase instructional time and decrease unnecessary failures. Please take a look and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Steven Viana @ 973-470-2305.
K-5 Health/Physical Education
It is a New Jersey state requirement that ten (10) hours of instruction be devoted each year to the subject of drugs, drug misuse, drug abuse and the prevention of drug addiction. This course in grades K through 5 is taught by health educators over 18 weeks or for two (2) marking periods, once per week for thirty minutes. It is a New Jersey requirement that one hundred and fifty (150) minutes of physical education, health, or safety instruction. This requirement can be achieved through:
- Physical Education activities
- Health Education
- Chemical Health Curriculum
- Social Problem-solving strategies
It has been determined that our Chemical Health Curriculum and Social Problem-solving Strategies can be included in the 150-minute requirement if staff members are clear on the following:
- Activities from the Chemical Health Curriculum are being included to create a healthier physical and social environment for the children.
- The Chemical Health Curriculum includes decision making (social problem-solving) as only one component of mental health, not the only component
Parents are invited to communicate closely with the school their child attends regarding any concerns that they feel need to be addressed. Please be informed of N.J.A.C.6:29-7.1: “The local board of education shall establish procedures whereby any pupil, whose parent or guardian presents to the school principal a signed statement that any part of the instructions in this program is in conflict with his/her conscience or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs, shall be excused from that portion of the course where such instructions being given and no penalties, as to credit or graduation shall result there from.
6-8 Health/Physical Education
The New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education have been addressed in designing this curriculum. The standards provide information and skills to develop responsible citizens who are health-literate. A New Jersey state requirement that ten (10) hours of instruction be devoted each year to the subject of drugs, drug misuse, drug abuse and the prevention of drug addiction has been incorporated into the course of study. This course is taught one period daily for one marking period per school year. One hundred and fifty minutes (150 minutes) of physical education per week is required by the State of New Jersey. This course meets one period per week, 5 days per week, for 3 marking periods. Parents are invited to communicate closely with the school their child attends regarding any concerns that they may have. As per N.J.S.A.18A:35-4.7: “Any child whose parent or guardian presents to the school principal a signed statement that any part of the instructions in health, family life education or sex education is in conflict with his conscience, or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the course where such instruction is being given and no penalties as to credit or graduation shall result there from.” The student will be given alternative assignments that are department generated for grade calculation.
9-12 Health/Physical Education
Clifton High School’s Health Education curriculum for students, grades 9 - 12 has been designed to focus on the primary issues teenagers face today. The research for the curriculum is based on the six health risk behaviors from the Center for Disease Control. The topics that will be covered are alcohol, drugs, mental health, nutrition, physical activity, reproduction/sexuality, tobacco, driver education, and life and career skills. The New Jersey Core curriculum content Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education have been addressed in designing this curriculum. The standards provide information and skills to develop responsible citizens who are health-literate. A New Jersey State requirement that ten (10) hours of instruction be devoted each year to the subject of drugs, drug misuse, drug abuse and the prevention of drug addiction has been incorporated into the course of study. This course is taught one period daily for one marking period per school year. One hundred and fifty minutes (150 minutes) of physical education per week is required by the State of New Jersey. This is a full-year, 3 and 3 1/4 credit course, meeting one period per week, 5 days per week, for 3 marking periods. Parents are invited to communicate closely with the school their child attends regarding any concerns that they may have. As per N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.7: Any student whose parent or guardian wishes to have their child excused from HEALTH EDUCATION/FAMILY LIFE classes due to conflict with conscience, moral or religious beliefs may do so by writing a letter to the K-12 Supervisor. The student will alternately be sent to the media center each day to complete a department generated assignment for grade calculation.
Driver Education (Driver Safety) information
The Driver Safety course that your 10th-grade student is registered for DOES NOT provide the following:
- State Exam
- Behind the Wheel Instruction
- Permit Issuance
You must seek the above items from a registered driving school.
Clifton High School is not affiliated with any driving schools. Any questions, please contact Steven Viana, K-12 Supervisor @ 973-470-2305
Health, Drivers Education, And Physical Education Resources
2020 NJDOE Student Learning Standards Comprehensive Health and Physical EducationPhys. Ed.
The Center for Disease Control
Consent Resources
Don't Get Vaped In
Driving Tests - DMV Handbooks
DMV Permit Test
Choose Love Movement
My Healthfinder
Know the Risks E-cigarettes and Teens
Shape NJ - Teaching the Future of Health and Wellness
Teen Health and Wellness
Teen Smoke Free.gov
NJSLS2020 Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
5/19/22 NJSLS CHPE K-5 Virtual Parent Night Day 1:
https://rutgers.zoom.us/rec/share/d4PBgP6kC- 6jmMAbshMjE0MeZMg- dpb8NSUshoq6sfQy- vBzGYC6NloBOye0cvw.S17cbm_ 0rHh43wi_ 5/23/22 NJSLS CHPE K-5 Virtual Parent Night Day 2:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/lok02ykvlu9iyjt/Clifton% 20Parent%20Night%205.23.22. mp4?dl=0 5/24/22 NJSLS CHPE 6-12 Virtual Parent Night Day 3:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7aoane032j14sgw/Clifton% 20Parent%20Night%205.24.22. mp4?dl=0 10/25/22 NJSLS CHPE K-12 Virtual Parent Night Day 4:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iUp8psSrptZtCgm4-pngzXNfL1UVZXqO/view?usp=sharingHealth & PE Opt-Out Letters
Pacing for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Health Curriculum K-12
Supervisor of Physical Education
(K-12)Steven Viana