Students at Montclair State (SAMS) Junior Program Overview
Our juniors have a great opportunity to take part in our SAMS program - Students at Montclair State University. Qualified juniors have the chance to complement high school study with Montclair State University coursework. Through this pre-college program, qualified students earn transferable college credits, experience the rigors and expectations of college-level classes, learn alongside Montclair State University students and engage in courses taught by university professors on campus and online. Our SAMS students are required to take 3 classes and have the opportunity to take 4 classes, all at a discounted rate. These courses will weigh as AP courses on their high school transcript, and would be taken after the students' full day at CHS.
Qualifying students:
- Must have junior status
- Must have a GPA of 90 or above
- Must complete application(s)
- Will be responsible for their own transportation to Montclair State University
- Are required to take a minimum of 3 classes at MSU
- Will be responsible for the cost of tuition (provided at a reduced rate)Must abide by the Montclair State University's COVID vaccine protocol
Q: What courses can I take?
A: General Education courses that do not require a prerequisite. Click for Suggested Courses
Q: How will I get billed for my classes?
A: MSU Bursar's office will bill you for your portion of the tuition.
Q: How do I obtain an official transcript from Montclair State University?
A: The student will request a transcript through Montclair State University and request that it is sent to the school you are attending after graduating from CHS. Montclair State University Transcript Service
Q: Can I still partake in athletics and/or extracurricular activities?
A: Yes. Since you will be attending CHS, you will be able to schedule your classes at MSU around your schedule.
Contact:Rachel Fabrykant, School Counselor - rfabrykant@clfitonschools.net - 973-470-2321
Meaghan Conti, Vice Principal - mconti@cliftonschools.net - 973-470-2319We utilize the collegeboard conversion scale in order to ensure consistent and fair grading throughout all of our college programs. Click link for the chart.
SAMS Program Information
Rachel Fabrykant, School Counselor - RFabrykant@cliftonschools.net
Meaghan Conti, Vice Principal - MConti@cliftonschools.net