CHS Home & School Association
Executive Board
President - Miriam Manickram
Vice President - Kelly Troller
Treasurer - Salina Singh
Recording Secretary - Christine Vozzella
HSA InformationThe CHS Home and School Association would like to welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year! It is great to see the students back in the building! With hopes of it being a great year let's start by welcoming you to the HSA!
As we all want to get back to “normal” we will be taking one step at a time. The HSA plans to kick right back in with the school agenda. For now, though we have not finalized if meetings will be virtual or in-person and what events will be taking place. As soon as the calendar is set you will be notified.
The HSA is a great forum for getting the inside scoop when your child forgets to tell you! We usually have one meeting per marking period and you will have access to the HSA Board, a Counselor, a Student Council Representative, the CHS Principal, the Yearbook Advisor and etc…
Please keep an eye out for emails and social media for updates. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us at cliftonhighschoolhsa@gmail.comDownload the CHS HSA Membership Form. Once filled out, a membership form can be mailed or brought to the School with the dues.
Additional membership forms are available in the CHS main office.
HSA Regular Meeting Schedule