Passaic County Community College (PCCC) 30-Credit - Senior Program Overview
PCCC programs enable qualifying high school senior students to earn college credits while they are still completing their high school course of studies. Qualified students may enroll in certain courses which earn credits at Clifton High School - which apply towards their high school graduation, and Passaic County Community College - which can apply towards a degree at PCCC.
PCCC - 30 Credit Program
Qualifying students in 12th grade may attend and earn up to 30 college credits on a PCCC campus. Students don’t take any classes at Clifton High School during their senior year. All high school graduation requirements are fulfilled at PCCC. This program gives students the opportunity to complete their first year of college at a discounted rate. Courses will weigh as AP courses on their high school transcript. These courses will weigh as AP courses on their high school transcript.
Qualifying students:
- Must be a senior grade status
- Must meet qualifying GPA
- PCCC 30 credit - 90 or above
- Dual enrollment GPA is dependent upon the class, required GPAs for each class can be found on the application
- Must complete an application and submit it to their counselor
- Will be responsible for their own transportation, as needed
Q. What courses can I take?
A. For the 30 Credit PCCC program, students will meet with the PCCC coordinator, Mr. Lopez, to schedule courses. For the Dual Enrollment courses, students can select from the course scheduling sheet or application.
Q. How will I get billed for my classes?
A. Students will be billed by PCCC and will have to pay them directly through the directions provided on the bill.
Q. How do I obtain an official transcript from Passaic County Community College?
A. The student will request a transcript through Passaic County Community College and request that it is sent to the school you are attending. PCCC Transcript RequestWe utilize the collegeboard conversion scale in order to ensure consistent and fair grading throughout all of our college programs. Click link for the chart.