Teen Center (School-Based Youth Services Program) Overview
CHS Students:
If you are in need of academic support or want to connect with other CHS students, check out our google classroom: Google Classroom Code: sntrxqh
We offer daily zoom workshops and groups, counseling and tutoring. We all could use a little extra support and connection these days. The Teen Center is here to help!The New Jersey Community Development Corporation (NJCDC), a private, non-profit community development agency based in Paterson, NJ, is proud to team with CHS to offer the School-Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP). Funded by The Department of Children and Families (DCF), the SBYSP seeks primarily to help students stay emotionally and physically healthy so that they can graduate with skills necessary for continued education or employment. The Program is available to all CHS students and their families. Participation is free
of charge, is voluntary and only requires a Parental/Guardian Consent Form for students less than 18 years of age. Students can enroll themselves or be referred by any CHS staff member. The SBYSP (The Teen Center) is located in the South Wing, Room G-21 A (near the upper gyms). It is designed to be a comfortable and fun environment for teens. The SBYSP serves as a focal point to access existing programs.
These direct services include:Counseling
A Full-time Mental Health Clinician specializing in adolescent and family issues is available to offer individual and group counseling sessions for students and/or their families. The Clinician offers flexible lunchtime and after-school appointments.Homework Assistance / Tutoring
Peer tutors are available for students during their lunch periods and after school until 6:00 PM to offer assistance in a variety of CHS academic subject areas.Employment Assistance
Our staff is available to offer students employment assistance through various workshops and offer individual consultations to students in order to assess job qualifications and help seek out employment opportunities.On-Site Community Agencies
SBYSP hosts a series of local community collaborators who are on-site weekly to offer various workshops as well as individual and group counseling sessions. Collaborators include Straight & Narrow (Substance Abuse & Drug Treatment), Home Care Options (General Preventative Health Education) and the Family Life Institute (Health & Preventative Education).College Advisement
The program offers extra assistance to students involved in the college selection process, including workshops, application preparation, essay writing, and financial aid searching."Program of the Day"
During lunch periods, the SB YSP/Teen Center offers its ·'Program of the Day", a workshop or presentation revolving around issues relevant to the lives of high school students, covering topics such as study skills, time management, healthy lifestyles, etcContact Us
If you would like more information about any of our programs please stop by the Teen Center located in the South Wing, Room: G-21A during lunch periods or after school, or via telephone at 973-458-6074.
Teen Center Contact
Teen Center (School-Based Youth Services Program) Director
Katherine Quiñones