Mustang Academy (Freshmen Academy)
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Student Ambassadors Overview
Student Ambassador Criteria
Each Academic Team will have 4 student Ambassadors to assist in the daily function of the Mustang Academy. Students who wish to be considered for Ambassador position must meet the following criteria:
- 8th grade average of at least 80.
- No disciplinary infractions thus far in the school year.
- No category 2 infraction with violence or category 3 infractions in 8th grade.
- No excessive absenteeism or tardiness in 8th grade.
- Candidates will be required to meet with members of the Universal Team for a brief interview.
- Each team will be entitled to 4 Ambassadors.
- Students may not campaign for this position.
- The exact results of the interview will not be revealed to anyone other than the Universal team and School Administration.
- Students will be required to attend monthly after school meetings (no exceptions) and required to attend after school and evening events.
- Students must support and model the behaviors stipulated by the Mustang Academy.
- The administration reserves the right to prohibit any student from seeking a position as Ambassador. The reasons will be discussed individually with the student.
- Students who do incur discipline violations, excessive attendance violations or are failing more than 1 subject per marking period will be subject to administrative review and possible removal from the position.
Student Ambassador Job Description
Responsible for communicating the plans and goals of the Mustang Academy to your respective team.
- Promote all Mustang Academy events.
- Participate in all Mustang Academy activities including fundraisers.
- Promote and model the Pillars of the Mustang Academy (Responsibility, Respect, Acceptance, and Success).
- By nature of their position, all Freshman Class Officers will be Ambassadors.
Freshmen Class Officers
President- Sandy Cocoyutta
Vice President- Antonio Bordamonte
Treasurer- Shivam Mehta
Corresponding Secretary- Remy Dubac
Responding Secretary- Reemas Khalifa
Freshman Class Adviser: Mrs. Stacey Beecham
Freshman Student Ambassadors
Boro Durdic
Alejandro Giraldo
Dariely Pena
Daniela Perez Vera
Eridonia Lantigua
Jonas Arias
Hely Bhasvar
Lucero Leon Reyes
Heer Vyas
Dana Aref
Daizonia Ramos
Janeen Khalil
Marta Danylko
Abigail Motyl
Alyssa Salazar
Gavrielle Rivera
Rama Kayali
Donna Alshujaieh
Mia Gaunt
Fatima Elsadig