High School Media Center
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Language Arts Database Options
Note: Databases do not require a password if used on campus; a username and password are required for use at home. You must contact or visit the Media Center for a complete list of usernames and passwords.
Bloom's Literature
This is a very student-friendly database that provides information for anything literature-based, provided by Infobase. It features sections on authors/playwrights, such as Wiliam Shakespeare and Charles Dickens.
Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
This EBSCO database provides over 25,000 encyclopedia entries on a variety of topics.
Literary Reference Center
This EBSCO database provides full-text results for anything related to literature, such as poetry, authors, and novels.
Points of View Reference Center
This EBSCO database works well for any argumentative or research assignment. It provides pro/con stances on controversial topics with each search result.
World Book Online
This is an online encyclopedia. For work for your classes, it is suggested you use the "Advanced" button to conduct any research.
Media Center Info
Daytime Hours
Monday-Friday 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM
After-School Hours
Monday-Thursday 2:05 PM - 4:35 PM
Media Specialists
Nil Sendul
NSendul@cliftonschools.netChristy VanSaders
CVansaders@cliftonschools.netMedia Center Phone: 973-470-2430