Health/Science Database Options

  • Note:  Databases do not require a password if used on campus; a username and password are required for use at home. You must contact or visit the Media Center for a complete list of usernames and passwords.

    Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia

    This EBSCO database provides over 25,000 encyclopedia entries on a variety of topics.


    This EBSCO database focuses on all science topics that have to do with human impacts on the environment.

    Health Reference Center

    This Infobase database provides information on a variety of health and medical topics, everything from diseases to nutrition.

    Science Online

    This Infobase database provides information on many topics in science through various mediums, such as diagrams, experiments, and videos.

    World Book Online

    This is an online encyclopedia.  For work for your classes, it is suggested you use the "Advanced" button to conduct any research.

Media Center Info

  • Daytime Hours

    Monday-Friday 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM

    After-School Hours

    Monday-Thursday 2:05 PM - 4:35 PM

    Media Specialists

    Nil Sendul

    Christy VanSaders

    Media Center Phone: 973-470-2430

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