- Clifton Public School District
- Homepage

- Curriculum & Instruction Overview
- Art Talented and Gifted (TAG)
- Athletics
- Bilingual / ESL / World Languages
- Career Academy
- Departments Overview
- District Evaluation Policy
- English / Language Arts
- English Department Curriculum Book Lists
- Extended School Year (ESY)
- Health & Physical Education
- High School Academies Overview
- Integrated Summer Enrichment Experience (I.S.E.E.)
- Make the Grade Academy (HS Teen Center Program)
- Mathematics
- Minds in Motion
- Mustang Academy (Freshmen Academy)
- Pre-School Program - For the Special Needs Child
- Pre-School Program - State Funded
- Saturday Academy of Learning & Enrichment
- School-to-Career Programs
- School-Year Programs Overview
- Science
- Social Studies
- Special Services
- Standardized Assessment Calendar
- STEM Academy
- Summer Credit Recovery (Summer Remedial School)
- Summer Programs
- Talented and Gifted (TAG)
- Visual & Performing Arts
- Visual & Performing Arts Academy
Curriculum & Instruction Overview
The Clifton Public School District is committed to ensuring the highest levels of learning for all students and fostering continuous improvement of student learning.
The district's Curriculum and Instruction Department believes that working together and learning from one another through collegial conversations helps us to achieve better results for the students we serve. Together we discuss and plan for the work of instruction to ensure that every student in our district achieves at high levels. The Curriculum and Instruction Department provides leadership for all stakeholders in our ongoing efforts to increase student achievement through standards-based curricula, professional development, and differentiated educational support. Our comprehensive, quality curricula are designed to align with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and serves as the foundation upon which a student's educational program is developed. Our focus on student results and data-driven decision-making aligns with our district's belief in continuous improvement of student achievement and ongoing strengthening of professional practice.
Clifton Public Schools is a leader in providing outstanding K-12 comprehensive programs at all our neighborhood schools, all of which focus on academic knowledge and skills students will need to be successful in college, career, and life. These standards define the knowledge and skills students should achieve through the course of their K-12 educational careers, so they will graduate from high school able to succeed in life, college or continued technical education, and in the workforce.
The Curriculum and Instruction Department works together with district administrators, supervisors, and teachers to facilitate collaborative planning sessions, enhance curriculum, identify best instructional practices, and create common formative assessments to ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum is accessible to every child. We are committed to providing high levels of learning for all students and fostering continuous improvement that is sustainable and strengthens collective capacity across the district.
Curriculum, Instruction & Federally Funded Programs
Janina Kusielewicz - Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction